Printre alte ocazii de a fornai despre Rrromania si meritele ei, am observat ca e la moda si sa se critice scoala din occident si sa se extazieze despre scoala din Romania. Mai jos cateva citate din studiile PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) care pot fi consultate partial si online pe situl OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Oricum va recomand citirea rezumatului pe 56 de pagini al studiului.
Am spicuit cateva constatari despre educatia romaneasca:
(in cadere libera)A number of countries saw a decline in their reading performance between PISA 2000 and PISA 2006, comprising nine OECD countries (in descending order) - Spain, Japan, Iceland, Norway, Italy, France, Australia, Greece and Mexico, and the partner countries Argentina, Romania, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation and Thailand.
Students scored 10+ points lower in using scientifc evidence than in science overall in Norway, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, and in the partner countries Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Jordan, Bulgaria, Brazil, Romania and Serbia(asta oare datorita educatiei religioase in scoala?)
Self-efficacy was lowest in Japan, Korea and Italy and the partner countries Indonesia, Azerbaijan and Romania.(sa ni se dea!)
Among the lowest-performing countries in PISA, a very high proportion of students had low levels of proficiency, indicating a need to improve standards across the board, for example through improvements in the curriculum. In Mexico and Turkey, as well as the partner countries Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Montenegro, Romania, Thailand, Jordan, Bulgaria and Uruguay, more than 40% of 15-year-old students performed at Level 1 or below (Table 2.1a).(Nivelul 1 inseamna: "At Level 1, students have such a limited scientifc knowledge that it can only be applied to a few, familiar situations. They can present scientifc explanations that are obvious and follow explicitly from given evidence.". Iar in Romania sunt 40% SUB NIVELUL 1 ceea ce se traduce "Those unable to perform even the easiest PISA tasks reliably were rated as 'below Level 1'")
At the other extreme, fewer than 1% were proficient at Level 5 [in reading] in Mexico and in the partner countries/economies Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Jordan, Thailand, Serbia, Romania and Montenegro it was less than one-half of a percent (Table 6.1a).(Nivelul 5 in citire: "These students are capable of sophisticated, critical thinking.". Unul din 200 de elevi romani de 15 ani poate asta.)
Si clasamentele finale cu 57 de tari:
- la stiinte Romania locul 44 din 57 de tari
- la citire Romania locul 44 din 57 de tari
- la matematica Romania locul 43 din 57 de tari
- ori ca in anii urmatori sunt invatati in Romania numai prostii (chiar daca dupa clasa 1 sunt mici genii),
- ori ca ceea ce arata extraordinar pe hartie (programa scolara romaneasca de clasa 1) in practica functioneaza de kko
- ori ca lipsa materialelor si spatiilor si mai ales a unui mediu in care omul sa se poata dezvolta cum trebuie, atat acasa cat si la scoala si pe strada, in Romania de azi cam lipseste.
PS: si cum sa ne miram cand insasi doamna ministru nu stie diferenta dintre ore facultative si optionale...